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The software’s integrated tools allow you to validate, reuse, and direct your code, and extend it in an efficient and sophisticated way. The software supports HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, ASP, SSI, and Perl programming languages. g.WeBuilder is a powerful software for editing HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and ASP code in a simple and user-friendly environment. WeBuilder is a versatile software for web developers to edit code. In the last few years, new books have been published, e. Spiders may have been always underresearch ed, but research is progressing. There are research groups working on spider physiology, there are fascinating phenomena in this animal group and there are plenty of exciting results. Why is there not a single book on spider physiology comparable with the many books on insect physiology? Are spiders a scientific ivory tower, far from public interest and commercial importance? I do not think so, although spiders are one of the many "forgotten" animal groups which always grew in the shadow of the insects. One can no longer buy the proceedings volume in a bookshop and to read a series of publications on a given topic one must search in a library for a dozen journals. Then I started to explain "oh yes, there is a congress pro ceedings volume on this topic and there is a group with excellent publica tions on another topic. and what about books on spider physio logy?" Silence. We were dis cussing the structure of this book and of insect physiology books, in general, when Prof. It was restricted to a few focal points as are many of these new insect physiology books, but there was considerable depth in its specialized point of view. Recently another book on insect physiology was published.